Fire Magic Legacy 24-Inch Built-In Meat Smoker Charcoal Grill – 12-SC01C-A

Original price was: $2,565.00.Current price is: $2,308.50.

  • All 304 Stainless Steel construction
  • Adjustable height charcoal pan for easy heat control
  • Easy access front door to add charcoal or wood chucks
  • Analog Thermometer
  • Removable stainless steel warming rack included


Primary Cooking Surface:
30” x 18” (540 sq. in.)
Warming Rack Surface:
30” x 12” (360 sq. in.)
Cut-out Dimensions:
32¼”w x 19¾”d x 12”h

The Fire Magic 24 Inch Smoker Charcoal Grill features 432 square inch cooking surface, all stainless steel construction, and a heavy-duty stainless smoker hood with precise analog thermometer.

Fire Magic offers a five (5) year warranty on charcoal grills, except for the charcoal pan, charcoal grid, thermometer and ash tray which are warranted for one (1) year.